Gerry Hebert Writer - Artist - Creator

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A Beginning

First Looks

Every year at this time I am reminded of the symbolism of what the season of Spring is capable of delivering to all of us. The cyclical birth of all that nature has in store for us as we embark on another year ahead. Spring, creating distance with each passing day from the grasp of a winter we will soon leave behind.

A stoic sentry in it’s own right, the crocuses replace the many different shades of brown and rusted greens from wintered grass. Crocuses are never disappointing. They are so attentive to our need for a fresh and vibrant showcase of color after a long winters rest. Combined with snowbells, grape hyacinth’s, and an army of golden forsythia blossoms which appear out of nowhere from a tangled web of brown sticks, they provide a majestic farewell to winter.

Soon, battalions of daffodils will muster together, challenging us to notice the beauty of this new spring fodder before they are gone. Suddenly, in plain yet self-imposed, obstructed view, wave after wave of colorful, eye popping buds morph from so many blurred pastels into intricate detail of another season of both old and new leafed trees. All of this pageantry adding a finishing touch to our landscape.


Nature and time are paired together as the perfect conductor for such a well orchestrated change of season. Missing is the echoing applause of a symphony hall, but certainly there are enough encores to fill a program with the seasons most important players.

Age has slowed my rush to experience the excitement of commercial offerings. Trends come and go, as do our emotional attachments to instant gratification. I have been fortunate to replace things that don’t last, for an appreciation of a humble nature that keeps on giving. A beauty which can never be realized without a natural built-in pause each day for everything that surrounds us.

Modern Master’s

Whether sitting inside to gaze out the window or jumping with all of your personal being into the realm of the natural outdoors, utilize your senses and allow them to become the tools on your palette. Create your own masterpiece and just like nature, make it one for the ages, her gift is for all of us to enjoy. Let the beauty of your world, become your world. Open your eyes, then allow them to close in order to see what is right in front of you, memories to last a lifetime.

Talk soon…