Gerry Hebert - Creative Writing - Mindful Photography

Thanks for stopping by GerryHebert.Com. Welcome to my little piece of the online world. I’m here to share the things that mean something to me. I write. I’m into mindful photography, and I play around with whimsical art and try my best to make things by hand.

I don’t plan much; I left that behind when I retired. I always have a camera and a notebook to capture things that speak to me. I try to pay attention; you should, too. I have been writing for more than ten years now—that’s a lot of words! I promise not to run all of them by you.

Follow my blog here and on Substack (Micro Moments by Gerry Hebert). Each week, I throw a little something up there, trying my best to make sense of a world that changes on the fly.

I took all of the photographs in my galleries. If you come across any artwork, that’s mine, too.

Enjoy and share…please! GerryHebert.Com

Talk soon…