Writer - Artist - Creator

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Break Out

I am pretty sure we all carry around some kind of fear preventing us from putting our work out there for the universe to see. We are deliberate with our intentions, but we are even more deliberate with a fraudulent belief that what we have is just not good enough.

If we were able to create a self-portrait when we are wearing these emotions, it would most certainly look like we were keeping our treasures behind bars. “Hey, look at my stuff, I keep it all close to me because I don’t think it is good enough to share with all of you!” Guess what? I am here to tell you to just, “break out!”

Free yourself from the fear of not being good enough, escape from the kind of emotions that keep you locked inside of yourself. I can guarantee you, there is nobody sitting around just waiting for you to share your work so they can tell you how much it sucks!

Even if that were the case, which it is not, it wouldn’t be any of your business anyway. We are all a part of this universe, each of us with creative ideas and emotions that should not be locked away. Remove any of the self imposed barriers preventing you from becoming the seed the universe is waiting to cultivate.

Talk soon…