Writer - Artist - Creator

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Buddy Boy

His name is Toasty, some call him the Toaster, and even Toast on occasion. To me though, from very early on, he has been my Buddy Boy! This guy right here spent a lot of time in my arms as I paced back and forth across the room. For no other reason than he was so lovable and a joy to carry around. He has never let me forget.

Buddy Boy was taken at birth because of some foolish genetic defect which caused him to have a short front leg. He has no idea, he never has, and we are the lucky ones because of it! He is such a people dog, he craves the touch of any of us! But at the end of day, you will find him by my side, laying up against my leg. It has always been this way.

His eyes say all that needs to be said, they tell you how much he adores your company. Sure he barks at people and things he is not so sure of, he does it to protect you, never to annoy you. Yes, mischief is part of who he is, but look again! Do you really think he means it?

He is loyal, he is funny, and he is the best big brother his sister could ever ask for. His name is Toasty, Toaster, or even Toast if you prefer. To me, he is always going to be my Buddy Boy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Talk soon…