Opening Up
Over the years I have developed a pretty good habit of keeping things buried in a place that is pretty quiet. Of course, the exception would be my own voice constantly reminding me what it thinks I should be listening to. Does your inner voice take on the same role in deciding what it thinks you should be listening to all the time?
Not everything I hear is bad news though! I am learning that some of the best lessons come from other living things with no agenda or need to be right or wrong. Time comes with a hidden gift of observation, the kind of gift I will miss if I don’t take the time to appreciate it while it is happening.
There is real beauty in opening up to my own emotions, understanding them for what they are, and then gently letting them go. The orchid above is just beginning to share it’s beauty with us, followed by another, and then another, and another after that. I know that if I allow my thoughts to open up, they too will be followed by another, and then another, before they gently move away. Opening up not only makes me feell like a better person, it gives me the gift of silence from a voice that runs out of things to say!
Talk soon…