Writer - Artist - Creator

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There is a connectedness to passing the time and pastime. In reality, I think we do one with the other. If you do indeed have a favorite pastime, then you certainly have used it to pass the time away! Or maybe you’re one of those folks who lets time pass you. A couple of my favorite pastimes are reading and writing. The reading part began when I was a paperboy. I would read the newspaper cover to cover. It was just what we did back then. I once told my kids, “If you want to know what’s going on in the world, read the newspaper.” I always felt you could have a conversation with anyone about anything if you could just stay caught up on current events. I still feel this way. It’s a lot more important today to understand your sources than it was when I was a kid.

So what are the things you do to pass the time? It’s nice to take inventory now and then. To pay attention to the things that bring joy, make you happy, fill your soul. Just this morning I was thinking about some things I have let back into my day that don’t add any value to who I want to be as a person. I stopped watching the news nearly two years ago. I decided I could figure out on my own what I should hear and believe. There is a little more work involved but it’s worth it, and besides, I have the time!

“Whether it’s the best of times or the worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got.”

Art Buchwald

I’m probably past the age now when I can start some new hobby and then refer to it as something I have done my entire life. But this certainly doesn’t mean I should stop trying to experience new things to pass the time with, especially those things that bring so much joy into my life. How will I ever know if I stop trying, right? Furthermore, I would rather have a handful of things to pass the time with, than place myself in a position where I run out of time. Are you with me?

“Time moves slowly but passes quickly.”

Alice Walker

Time does move slowly when we are sitting around waiting for things to happen. So take advantage of the slow part and add more stuff to your life. Call it a pastime before it can only become a memory.

I began reading and writing when, well when I was old enough to read and write. It’s been a while so I can accurately call it a pastime. I still think there is a book or two in my future, maybe even five, and why not six? I have had a connection to food for just as long. Yes, I have been eating my whole life! Maybe now is the time to play around with cooking it as well! You know where I am going here. We have these things we do that are so much a part of who we are. Find the time to take the stuff you already do and move it into a new column. You don’t have to reinvent yourself, you only need to think about how you want to be passing your time! Gotta go, I’m getting kinda hungry! lol

Surround yourself with what you love, whether it’s family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever.”

George Carlin

Talk soon…