

A while back I was writing and talking about how I go about establishing a pattern where I write every day. The exercise I decided on actually takes me back almost 8 years ago. After many attempts over the years of trying to establish a pattern of writing every single day, I finally tripped over a method that worked for me. There is no rocket science to any of it, in fact what worked for me is the exact same thing we all do with many different things that go on, or don’t go on, in our lives. I repeat, “go on, or not go on, in our lives!”

On December 30th in 2013 while on a trip to Italy, I decided that I wanted to write every single day until a time when I would be physically unable to do so. I decided, in order for this to happen, I needed to write, not just now and then, but every day. Failure was not going to be an option, I would never have an excuse to not write. I was committed.

I’ve read articles about what went into establishing new habits, or giving up old ones. I learned it would take a minimum of 21 days to change or establish a new habit. I did say a minimum of 21 days! For many of us it will take longer, in some cases much longer. I read, most people take around 10 to 12 weeks to create a new pattern of behavior before it becomes hardwired to the brain. Establishing a pattern of subconscious behavior where we are not consciously thinking about it anymore. In other words, we just do it!

The article described a time frame of somewhere between 21, to as many as 264 days before success would be realized. Wow! What a time span, right? I picked the number 77 as my target date. I told myself that by day 77 I would be hardwired with my new daily writing habit. No reason for the number 77, it just popped into my head and I went with it. I can now tell you, by the time I reached day 45 I knew without a doubt I was going to be successful. Quite frankly, day 38 is the day it just kicked in and there has never been a doubt, as now I have written over 6000 articles and daily journal entries. I continued with 77 as my target date, and then continued to push my goal out over my first year.

Whether I am on my phone, iPad, MacBook, or pen and paper, everyday now is a day to write. My articles range anywhere from 250 - 3500 words a day and sometimes even more. The feeling this leaves me with goes without explanation other than to say it is awesome! Awesome in the sense that until succeeding with this new behavior I really never new what awesome felt like.

What I learned in the process speaks volumes as to why we fail to establish new habits so often. We give up! We really do! The best example I like to talk talk about is all of the New Year resolutions that people make all the time. Losing weight or getting on a new exercise routine are two of my favorites. Folks go on a diet or start to exercise and they don’t see the results they were expecting after only a couple of weeks. Often three, four, and five weeks to be exact. Sure they may have lost a few pounds but they keep going back and forth with it. They become discouraged and quit.

Remember, a minimum of 21 days! There are not many people who see the success they desire that quickly. You should be looking at 3-4 months, pick your own target date and stick with it. You’re going to know, a day will come and it is going to just click for you! Stick with it, and repeat, repeat, and repeat again! Once you reach your target date, immediately set another one for 10 to 20 days away, then do it again, and then again! Reward yourself! You may not have to do anything at all to reward yourself, reaching your goal and the feeling that overcomes you when you realize it clicks all of a sudden is exhilarating!

I chose the picture of the three tulips I shot as a visual for this post. There is so much symbolism here for me and my writing journey. Start small and keep going, repeat your practice from the day before. Each day becoming bigger and better than the previous. There is so much beauty in accomplishing your goal. Your mind will become a solid surface of success for all the work you have put into it. Set your target date, and “Just Do It!”

Talk soon…




