Staying Focused

Have you ever woken up and let your thoughts control your day before putting your feet on the floor? We can flip that script and intentionally arrange our thoughts for how we would like our day to unfold. We have to take the time to do it deliberately.

“Take five minutes to center yourself in the morning - set your intentions every day.”

Oprah Winfrey

It’s what happens when we allow our minds to sit in the driver’s seat and we become the passenger. We relinquish control of our actions because we hand everything over to the voice inside of our heads. You have the power to train your voice to tell you the things you want to hear. Use it!

“Most people have no idea of the giant capacity we can immediately command when we focus all of our resources on mastering a single area of our lives.”

Tony Robbins

Life is filled with distractions. We become conditioned and plan for them as part of our day instead of creating intentional moments to change things to benefit us and not act as a roadblock to becoming our best selves.

“Instead of focusing on the circumstances that you cannot change - focus strongly and powerfully on the circumstances that you can.”

Joy Page

We all have a reality connected to our lives. Allow yours to be the result of your intentional actions, not the voice in your head that thinks you cannot function independently.

“Always remember, your focus determines your reality.”

George Lucas

Distractions will exist in our lives whether we pay attention to them or not. Choose wisely what you would like to be a part of your day.

“Life is short. Focus from this day forward on making a difference.”

Thomas J. Vilard

Talk soon…



Quiet Time


Trust Yourself