The Message Is Simple

We do! We all do! We listen to the message our inner voice is telling us all the time and rarely do we question what we are asking of ourselves. We go about our day listening to our own voice telling us what to do, what not to do. For the most part it’s all good. We should challenge our own voice and how we go about reacting to what we are hearing. We should pause to understand what our voice is really saying.

What would happen if we silenced the inner voice we allow to guide us each and everyday? What would we do if we were able to free our mind of all of the clutter, the voices, our voice, and start from scratch. If we were to stop paying attention to all of the traffic we allow to get into our mind, not as a benefit to us but as a distraction to what our creativity is trying to teach us.

The photograph here is the Leaning Tower of Pisa. I shot this picture during the daytime while on a visit to Italy a few years back. More than 5 million tourists visit the Tower each year. The chance of having an empty staircase going to the bell tower is not a common occurrence. Imagine for a moment, if the thoughts which occupy your mind where as empty as this staircase. Just look at the wear on the marble steps from all of the foot traffic over the years. Amazing, right? The pathway to the bell tower for all of the tourists is this stairway. It must be free and clear in order for everyone to make their way to the top of the tower. Once there you are rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding landscape.

I recently came across an article that spoke about, “emotional sobriety.” There is a connection to the term and individuals on the road to recovery from addiction. However, being emotionally sober can and does apply to all of us. The key to being sober with our emotions from a creative perspective is to have better control over our inner voice. You know, the one that is always telling you how you should, or should not do something. Shhh! Silence the voice for a bit, allow your mind to become as empty as the staircase. Challenge the voice you are hearing, after all, it is your voice.

We can all do better with changing the message we allow ourselves to hear. As an artist, a busy pathway is not always the best path to be on. Creativity is a spark that lives in all of us, the ignition needed to consume the negative thoughts which creep into our head. Quieting your mind will keep the creative pathway clear so you can enjoy the results of changing your message, your own voice. Get emotionally sober, listen to your creative spirit, climb those stairs, the path is clear!

Talk soon…



Thankful For Slow Thinking

