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The Stained-Glass Window

Seeing Your True Self Through the Light

Taken at Sainte-Chapelle Paris, France 12-11-2023

Looking at Life from the Wrong Side

“Light is not so much something that reveals, as it is itself the revelation.”

James Turrell

Have you ever really looked at stained glass from the wrong side? Probably not. There’s nothing remarkable about it from the outside—just muted colors and dull shapes. But step inside, and suddenly, everything comes alive. The light transforms it, revealing details you never would have noticed. It’s almost magical.

Even the most minor details become visible when we let the light in. Colors glow, patterns take shape, and awe washes over us. But from the outside, everything is dreary, unrecognized, and scattered—if it’s even noticeable. The pieces come to life once the light passes through, each playing a part in something more significant.

The Beauty Hidden Within

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Image above is from inside Sainte-Chapelle in Paris, taken in December 2023. From the outside, it looks ordinary—even drab. But step inside, and you can’t help but stop, look around, and take it all in. The sheer brilliance of it is overwhelming.

Does this not mimic our own lives? From the outside, we may seem simple, ordinary—even boring to those who don’t truly take the time to see us. But the beauty of who we are isn’t something that can be exposed externally. It’s something we must discover within ourselves first. Only then can we open our doors and let the light shine through, allowing the world to see us as we were meant to be.

Piecing Together Our Stories

“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.”


We spend years gathering pieces of ourselves—experiences, values, stories, and even what we are told we should be. Sometimes, these pieces don’t fit together the way we expect. Sometimes, our light dims because we try to force them into a shape that doesn’t feel right.

I used to think I was supposed to be just one thing. But even then, I had no idea what that “thing” was supposed to be. I was looking at my light from the wrong side. From where I stood, the pieces of my life felt disconnected. But the moment I stopped trying to arrange them into someone else’s pattern and let the light in, I saw that I had been leaving out the best parts all along.

Letting the Light In

“And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

Nelson Mandela

What would happen if we stopped questioning whether we were “doing life right?” What if we got on the right side of the light—and better yet. What if we let more of it in? What if, instead of forcing ourselves into a pattern that doesn’t fit, we embraced our unique window and let it shine as it should?

I think there’s a deep truth revealed when we stop resisting who we are. When we let go of the idea that everything has to be perfectly symmetrical, we allow ourselves to see the whole picture. And when we do, it’s more stunning than we could have imagined.

Seeing the Whole Window

“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”


So when life feels like the pieces don’t quite fit, maybe it’s not because they’re the wrong pieces—maybe you just haven’t stepped back far enough to see the whole window. Maybe you’re working against the light instead of letting it guide you.

Trust me, when you open yourself up and welcome in the light, you’ll see things come to life that you never even noticed before. And perhaps, for the first time, you’ll truly see yourself.

Talk soon…