Empty Choices

I have to believe that an empty choice is the equivalent of eating the kind of food that has zero nutritional value for you. A Pop Tart or a Twinkie comes to mind, you know, a food-like substance. We often don’t think of our choices as being something that can ultimately be the foundation for future growth or the first step on a path of self destruction.

Choosing responsibly, especially during the split seconds it usually takes to make a choice, can be the difference between a life filled with new growth and experiences, or a trap leaving us empty and alone. We live in a world of instant gratification, even knowing that our gratification is temporary.

We also have a choice to grow slowly, cultivating a human spirit well prepared to keep our choices lined up for success. The type of success that will not only allow for us to flourish, but also those who need us in their life.

Turn your split second choices into a pause for reflection. It may not ever be as simple as a yes or a no, but it can be!

Talk soon…




