We live in a world of instant gratification, how we got here is a topic for another post. Most of the waiting we are exposed to comes with elements beyond our control. Forced and unexpected waiting will always challenge our patience.
There is another kind of mindful waiting though, the kind where self control and slow observation can deliver gifts that go unnoticed if we don’t take the time to witness how life unfolds around us..
How often do we hear, “where did those 10, 20, and even 30 years go?” Children are graduating from high school and college, and social media is filled with, “How did this happen?” We lose a loved one and suddlenly those same 10, 20, or 30 years have passed since they left us!
We are never going to slow time down, nor will we speed it up. The clock is going to keep moving in the same way it always has, one tick at a time. We can be a lot more intentional though with what is going on around us. Nothing is stopping us from noticing the changes and everything connected to them while they are happening. Maybe the secret is not in asking how we miss so much, but instead figuring out new ways so we don’t!
Talk soon…