Writer - Artist - Creator

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Creative Chaos

Everything we do comes with a process attached to it. Organized and tidy doesn’t have to be a part of it, but then again, what is organized and tidy? For me it is all about my space and the tools I keep there in order to get things done.

“Creativity is born of chaos, even if it is somewhat difficult to glimpse the possibilities in the midst of the confusion.”

Charles Handy

I have certainly seen worse and if even for me there is a bit too much clutter, it is comfortable. Not only that, it is private, it is quiet, and it inspires me to want to do even more. Space is what we want it to be. Stuff can be moved and pushed out of the way or it can be left as an adviser to spark even more ideas.

“Creativity needs a bit of untidiness. Make everything too neat and there is no room for experiment.”

Charles Handy

In an open field, a coffee shop, the train, and even on a plane, my reality is this; the ideas belong to the universe, and sometimes, they find me if I am paying attention. So go ahead, create a little chaos in your life, see what speaks to you. Put something together and share it with the rest of the world.

“If you hear a voice within you say, “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

Vincent Van Gogh

Talk soon…