
Penny scale, penny candy, even two, or maybe even three for a penny! Of course I remember! Each generation comes with its own list of emotional triggers, connected by time to an affectionate past. Feelings which are accompanied by a tinge of sadness, and questions on why life can’t still be the way it was!

A recent visit to The Vermont Country Store was the equivalent of walking into a time capsule. A museum of my own personal history; peanut brittle, maple syrups galore, some English Leather, Jade East, and Soap on a Rope!

How awesome would it be to buy some, “Nostalgia In A Bottle!” Just a “little dab will do ya!” Yeah, how sweet it would be to fill your heart with the affections from your past! Just my two cents on some wistful thoughts to ignite some easy feelings of nostalgia!

Talk soon…





Calm Down