Take A Moment

We only truly enjoy the fruits of our labor when we take the time to slow down and take in all that we have done. Relax for a bit, put your tools aside and kick back to enjoy how you have turned your vision into a reality.

I was recently quoted this phrase from a book, “All of our memories are tied to moments, we never remember whole days, the only thing we remember are moments from those days!” Indeed we do! We are already conditioned to remember moments in our lives, remember that the next time someone suggests you live for the moment. You already are, you have been doing it your whole life!

We can all get better at putting our senses to work. They are our greatest resources to capture our best moments. We measure our lives in years. We can be deliberate with the collection of our moments and how we share them. In doing so we add wealth to our lives which allow our memories to live on forever.

Talk soon…



Morning Mind

