Tell Stories
This photo was taken a few years ago during a visit to Italy. This is a quarry in the city of Carrara, world famous for all of its white marble. I am standing very near to the place where Michelangelo personally chose the block of marble he would send to Vatican City, for his famous sculpture, the Pieta.
The stone was moved down the mountain to the shore by an incredibly physical, human process using beams, lubricated ropes, and circular wooden poles, planted into the ground. This made it possible for the marble to make its way to the quarry yards. From there the marble blocks were placed on ships and sailed to their final destination.
Often, pictures without words are just that, pictures. If we can arrange our words though to duplicate the experience of those moments, our memories can be shared even in our absence. So go ahead, take lots of pictures, and tell a lot of stories!
Talk soon…