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The Journey

In its simplest form a journey can be described as traveling from one place to another. Who could argue with this, right? Getting from here to there certainly sounds to be simple enough, yes? How about in terms of your life’s journey? Does this change it all up? Perhaps the answer becomes clearer if you know what you would like your destination to be.

Most think of a journey in terms of a method of travel and it may not be applied as easily to where or what we would like our destination in life to be. It can be so easy to fall into many of the routines that life attaches to us without treating our lives journey as though we were a well informed tourist who takes the time to appreciate and experience all of the journey on our way to the final destination.

What about the baggage we take along on our journey? Will you be efficient and thrifty, leaving all of your unneeded stuff behind or will you be like the traveler who is holding up the line at check in, unloading items in order to meet the weight limit so as not to pay extra? You know, go through all of your personal stuff right out there in the open just to save a few bucks!

Let’s face it, our life’s journey is packed with emotional baggage, to heavy to make it through any check point unless we can learn to lighten our own load. We will always have to pay extra and never find the time to enjoy the journey as it is happening until we learn to continue on our journey with nothing more than an emotional overnight bag. Yeah, I said it, stop sweating the small stuff. Look around, reflect, go sightseeing everyday. Enjoy your journey, experience life, know your destination. Breathe, smell, taste, and of course, see life as it is happening!

Talk soon…