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The Procrastinator’s Garden

Over time we let our personal boundaries disintegrate. When this happens we lose control of time that would have been spent taking care of what is in our own backyard. Our emotions become like weeds in a garden that goes untended. Soon the beauty of who we thought we were is no longer visible, not to ourselves or anyone around us. We fall victim to the, “when I can get to it,” method of trying to live a life that used to allow everything to flourish.

“How often do you find yourself saying, “In a minute”, “I’ll get to it” or “Tomorrow’s good enough”, and every other possible excuse in the book? Compare it with how often you decide it’s got to be done. So let’s get on and do it! That should tell you just how serious your procrastinating problem really is.”

Stephen Richards

Procrastination is nothing more than fear based fuel responsible for preventing you from realizing your full potential. If we don’t physically take care of ourselves we add velocity to the progression of our lives. Weeds in a garden don’t need nourishment, they thrive on neglect. In order to maintain the beauty in the garden of your mind you have to maintain it. In the same way that our physical self will lose its glow, our mind will become overgrown to the point of losing control.

“A man who procrastinates in his choosing will inevitably have his choice made for him by circumstance.”

Hunter S. Thompson

Stepping onto a scale makes it easy to choose whether or not you want to add or subtract to what you are seeing. But the neglect that is going on inside of our head is mostly happening in unconscious spaces. It’s not until it becomes overgrown and nearly out of control that we or someone near to us begins to notice.

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake.”

Francis Bacon

Your life deserves some tending to. Self care will help your mindful garden to flourish even when conditions are challenging. Don’t wait for the weeds to set in, crowd them out with the beauty you were born with. Let “now” be the first step preventing you from cultivating a procrastinator’s garden.

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of.”

Benjamin Franklin

Talk soon…